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Buy Reflector Telescope KTE80080U in Sri Lanka

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Brand Kson
Model KTE80080U320
Optical Design Newtonian Reflector
Aperture (mm) 80
Magnification 40X, 120X, 133X, 399X
Focal Length (mm) 800
Focal Ratio f/10
Eyepiece 20mm (Huygens's eyepiece), 6mm (Huygens's eyepiece)
Barlow Lens 3x Barlow lens
Viewfinder Cross-hair optical finderscope
Mount Type Alt Azimuth
Tripod Adjustable heavy duty tripod
Optical Coatings Aluminum
Packaging Size
Gross weight
Included Accessories Smartphone adapter for a telescope
Warrantee 1 Year
DescriptionThis is a reflective telescope with an altazi-muth mount. This telescope is suitable for those who above 11 years to 20 years. Do not use the telescope to observe the sun, eclipse, bright streetlights and lights.  
Available Qty.4
Price LKR:42,500.00

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